Discover Better4life Pilates


Healthy, healing movement for the whole body.

About Better4life Pilates

We are dedicated to providing engaging group pilates classes that include cardio for muscle strengthening and endurance, while building flexibility and core strength. You will also feel all the stress melt away!

Pilates Classes are located in Horison, Roodepoort, where all ages are welcome and each person can progress at their own pace while enjoying the camaraderie of a friendly, supportive environment.

Our Pilates community has been going for over 10 years, under the instruction of Charlotte Jean, whose passion for health and love for people shines through.

‘Live from your heart. Act out your beliefs. Make healthy choices.’

‘Pilates as it can be done safely at any age and gives a full body workout.’

‘Invest in your body’s health now and you will reap quality of life in the future.’

‘All change is a collection of little steps in one direction. Make a change.’

‘Those who enjoy their movement, their food and their lifestyle choices are happy and well.’

‘Staying healthy is about maintaining your wonderful engine – your mind, body and spirit.’

‘Joy is delight in life. Celebrate your life. It is a gift, no matter what.’

‘Know your heart. Live your values. Become the person you’d like to know.’

‘Eat right and you’ll see it immediately on your skin. You will feel it in your body.’

‘Don’t compete with others or try to be like someone else. Discover the wonder of just being yourself!’

‘Eat whole-foods, grown with respect and consideration for the environment.’