We’re bombarded with advice on healthy living which can be very confusing.
Here, we sort out the myths from the facts to keep you on track.

True or False:

1. Breakfast skippers tend to gain weight.

Answer: True– Eating a proper breakfast is one of the most positive things you can do if you are trying to lose weight. For many people, breakfast should include protein for energy.

2. Bone density starts to decline after the age of 50.

Answer: False– Your bone density declines after the age of 30. You need at least 200 milligrams of calcium daily, which you should combine with magnesium, or it simply won’t be absorbed.

3. Eating berries can help protect against heart disease and cancer.

Answer: True– Blueberries, strawberries and raspberries contain plant nutrients known as anthocyanidins, which are powerful antioxidants. Blueberries rival grapes in concentrations of resveratrol – the antioxidant compound found in red wine.

4. It’s better to drink energy drinks than water while you’re exercising.

Answer: False– Drinking water is best. Your body will burn the glucose from the energy drink first, before starting to burn body fat.

5. Always do cardio first to warm up the muscles, then weight training.

Answer: False– Experts say weight training should be done first, because it’s a higher intensity exercise compared to cardio. Your body is better able to handle weight training early in the workout because you’re fresh and you have the energy you need to work it. Conversely, cardiovascular exercise should be the last thing you do at the gym, because it helps your body recover by increasing blood flow to the muscles, and flushing out lactic acid, which builds up in the muscles while you’re weight training. It’s the lactic acid that makes your muscles feel stiff and sore.

6. Trail running is easier on the body than road running.

Answer: True– If your ankles, knees, and hips ache from running on pavement, head for the dirt. Soft trails or graded roads are a lot easier on your joints than the hard stuff. Also, dirt surfaces tend to be uneven, forcing you to slow down a bit and focus on where to put your feet – great for agility and concentration.

7. Eating fibre will help keep your digestive system on track.

Answer: True– Fibre helps keep the digestive system in order. It also reduces the risk of bowel cancer. We need to consume fibre rich foods such as wholemeal bread, pulses and cereals. For some it’s best to go the gluten-free route. Not sure what is best for you?

8. Diabetes and heart disease are two separate problems.

Answer: False– More than three million South Africans suffer from type 2 diabetes, and the incidence is increasing – with new patients getting younger. New studies show this type of diabetes is often part of a metabolic syndrome (X Syndrome), which includes high blood pressure and other risk factors for heart disease. More than 80 percent of type 2 diabetics die of heart disease, so make sure you control your glucose levels, and watch your blood pressure and cholesterol counts.

9. Doing Pilates regularly will help improve your posture.

Answer: True– Pilates works the deep core and stabilising muscles which will certainly improve posture if done regularly. Join a pilates class today!

Credit: www.hfpa.co.za