People asked me recently about how to become leaner as Summer approaches. Of course exercise is so important and I always promote Pilates as the IDEAL all round exercise for anyone, of any age. It strengthens, tones, brings flexibility, destresses and yes, helps you maintain a healthy weight. In addition my audio explains some further tips such:

  1. Examining the why behind comfort eating.
    Do you put yourself down all the time? Do you realise that you are indeed beautiful and valuable in God’s sight. Remember self-care is important.
  2. Support your liver.
    It works so hard! Consider doing a liver cleanse with our Body Cleanse Tea
  3. Give your stomach a break.
    Consider doing regular intermittent fasting to give your stomach time to digest and get rid of toxins.  Look at what you are eating. I talk about the 3 white poisons – sugar, refined flour and many types of dairy. These are hard on your body and your stomach. Cut them out (or cut back a lot) and you should lose weight. For some lovely, delicious recipes and more on eating well see my book: Good Food Matters
  4. Drink more water!
    Our bodies are mostly water but do we drink enough? The average person needs 2L a day. If you weigh more, you need more water. Rather avoid caffeinated beverages (that dry you out) or fizzy drinks (filled with all sorts of unhealthy things).

Love Charlotte


Listen to my audio explanation:

Tips for happier, healthier, leaner you

by Charlotte Jean