People asked me recently about how to become leaner as Summer approaches. Of course exercise is so important and I always promote Pilates as the IDEAL all round exercise for anyone, of any age. It strengthens, tones, brings flexibility, destresses and yes, helps you maintain a healthy weight. In addition my audio explains some further tips such:
- Examining the why behind comfort eating.
Do you put yourself down all the time? Do you realise that you are indeed beautiful and valuable in God’s sight. Remember self-care is important. - Support your liver.
It works so hard! Consider doing a liver cleanse with our Body Cleanse Tea - Give your stomach a break.
Consider doing regular intermittent fasting to give your stomach time to digest and get rid of toxins. Look at what you are eating. I talk about the 3 white poisons – sugar, refined flour and many types of dairy. These are hard on your body and your stomach. Cut them out (or cut back a lot) and you should lose weight. For some lovely, delicious recipes and more on eating well see my book: Good Food Matters - Drink more water!
Our bodies are mostly water but do we drink enough? The average person needs 2L a day. If you weigh more, you need more water. Rather avoid caffeinated beverages (that dry you out) or fizzy drinks (filled with all sorts of unhealthy things).
Love Charlotte